Table Coral

Table Coral (Acropora Sp.)
There are several species of Acropora coral that form tables. They are fairly common here. Amami 2019

This Table Coral is in the process of bleaching. It should have brown coloration like the one at the top. In times of stress, they turn white. The coral polyp is a clear animal much like an anemone. It contains zooxanthellae which are algae cells. When the water gets too hot the zooxanthellae are expelled. It then looks white because that is the color of its skeleton. Sometimes the coral is able to recover sometimes it can’t. In this picture there is still some color in the center. After coral dies it doesn’t stay white for very long because it is soon covered with algae. This picture was taken in 2024. There were only a few bleached coral heads back then. Amami 2024

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