Red Soft Coral (Dendronephthya Sp.)
Dendronephthya is a genus of sort corals. They are hard to identify down to species. These red soft corals are filter feeders and live in areas of strong currents. They mainly eat phytoplankton. Kashiragashima
These Red Soft Corals were under a bridge connecting Kashiragashima to Nakadorishima. There was a strong current flowing at the time through the strait. These corals were just outside of the current at the time I was there. There were lots of Red Soft Corals and Gorgonians at this location. Kashiragashima
The right half of this Red Soft Coral is extended for feeding. Amami
A closer view of the Red Soft Coral. They are octocorals and you can count the eight tentacles on some of the open polyps. Amami