Striped Blue Crow ツマムラサキマダラStriped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber) ツマムラサキマダラThe dorsal view of a Striped Blue Crow Butterfly. The ...2025.02.13
Great Mormon ナガサキアゲハGreat Mormon (Papilio memnon) ナガサキアゲハThe Great Mormon Butterfly is large, and the female is very pol...2025.02.13
Red Helen モンキアゲハRed Helen (Papilio helenus) モンキアゲハThe Red Helen Butterfly is mainly black with white patches and red...2025.02.13
Ceylon blue glassy tiger リュウキュウアサギマダラCeylon blue glassy tiger (Ideopsis similis) リュウキュウアサギマダラThe Ceylon blue glassy tiger Butterfly is fo...2025.02.13
Chestnut Tiger Butterfly アサギマダラChestnut Tiger Butterfly (Parantica sita) アサギマダラThe Chestnut Tiger Butterflies feed mainly on milkwe...2025.02.13