Shortbodied Blenny セダカギンポ

Shortbodied Blenny (Exallias brevis) セダカギンポ size 15cm
A female Shortbodied Blenny. Amami 2023

A male Shortbodied Blenny can get over 14 cm. That is big for a Blenny. Amami 2023

The male Shortbodied Blenny guarding its nest. Amami 2023

The yellow is Shortbodied Blenny eggs. The whiter ones with the spine and eyeballs showing are the ones that are close to hatching. I wanted to get better pictures of them, but a typhoon went by very slowly. By the time I could get back the eggs were all gone. The blenny was still there, last time I checked so maybe this year. Amami

Another female Shortbody Blenny. Amami 2024

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