Pearly Wrasse (Halichoeres margaritaceus) アカニジベラ (size 12 cm)
A male Pearly Wrasse has two red lines going into the eye, and two red lines coming out of the eye. There is a pinkish line going upwards into the center of the light or green area under the eye. In the similar Cloud Wrasse the area under the eye could be yellow, white or greenish with a red line going down and back from the center of the area under the eye. If you check carefully, you can find identical looking fish identified as Pearly and Cloud Wrasses. Searching with the Japanese names I found better results. Amami 2024
A female Pearly Wrasse has a curved pinkish line under the eye. There is white under the eye of the similar Cloud Wrasse. Amami 2023