Habu (Protobothrops flavoviridis) ハブ (size 240cm)
Habu are venomous pit vipers. They are mainly nocturnal and eat rats, frogs, birds, and many other animals. I have heard that their venom is not as strong as some other snakes, but they make up for that with long fangs and injecting a lot of venom.
This picture was taken at night in the road. I think that it may have been hit by a car. There was a lot of traffic, and I did see it get run over by a car while I was taking pictures. It was alive and moving even after being runover. I was more afraid of the cars than the snake. Amami 2024
The whole Habu. They can be very long and slender. They can strike a long distance. From what I could find. The incidence of Habu bites is 1 in 500. With medical care and antivenom the death rate is 1%. They may also cause some degree of permanent impairment. Amami 2024