Chestnut Tiger Butterfly アサギマダラ

Chestnut Tiger Butterfly (Parantica sita) アサギマダラ
The Chestnut Tiger Butterflies feed mainly on milkweeds. I think this is Eupatorium chinense ヒヨドリバナ that it is feeding on. Amami 2023

The top side of the Chestnut Tiger Butterfly. Amami 2023

A tagged Chestnut Tiger Butterfly on Tsuwabuki (Farfugium japonicum). School children like to track the butterfly migration by catching and marking the wings or by recording what is written on the wing. This one has アマミ 6.XII KY2098 which is Amami 6.December KY2098. I took the picture on December 9 so it was recently tagged on Amami with an Id of KY2098 the K could be for Kagoshima. They go South in the fall and North in the spring. Amami 2023

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