Common Kingfisher カワセミ

Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) カワセミ
The Common Kingfisher is called a Kawasemi in Japan. They are usually found nest to streams and ponds where they catch fish. This one was on a seawall looking at the bay. I saw a school of small fish in the shallows near a launch ramp that it was watching. Amami 2024

The Kawasemi love to eat fish. Fujisawa 2009

Another happy Kawasemi. Fujisawa 2016

Here you can see the back side of a Kawasemi. The males are brighter and bluer and the females are duller and greener. This one is in a Lotus Pond. Fugisawa 2018

Kawasemi in a lotus pond. Fujisawa 2016

I think that it missed the fish this time. Fujisawa 2016

The Kawasemi can dive straight in or more often hover over the fish a bit before they dive. Fujisawa 2016

Same Kawasemi a couple 100’s/second later with a fish and going the other way. If you are having trouble seeing the fish look at the reflection. Fujisawa 2016

Heading back to the perch for a snack.

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